
Here’s the scoop!

  • To join a waitlist, the software requires that you must buy a session or have a session credit. After you purchase that one session you can sign up for as many waitlists as you like. You’ll see a JOIN WAITLIST instead of BOOK button on the schedule. Click it!

  • If you’re next on the waitlist and a spot opens, you’ll automatically be enrolled in the class. You’ll receive notification by email and, if you've opted into SMS messages, text. Automatic enrollment stops 12 hours prior to a Social class; after that, we won’t move you into class unless we’re able to get in touch and you agree.

    —If you aren’t receiving waitlist notifications by text and would like to do so, (1) sign into your account and double check that your mobile phone number is correct, and (2) from your mobile phone, text the word START in all caps to 15037665454. You should receive a response letting you know that SMS messages have been re-enabled. Get in touch with us if you have any hiccups.

    —If you’ve received several notification texts before responding, your Y/N reply will apply to the earliest notification.

    —You have 36 hours to respond to notification texts; after that, you’ll need to sign into your account to cancel/confirm.

  • You may cancel/confirm your enrollment by replying N/Y to the text OR by signing into your account and cancelling/confirming your spot. As long as you cancel at least 12 hours prior to Social class, your credit can be used for another class. Even if late, cancellations are always appreciated, as they give others an opportunity to take class and help our trainers prepare.

  • To remove yourself from a waitlist, sign into your account and go to MY SCHEDULE. You’ll see the word WAITLISTS in blue in the upper right with the number of waitlists you’re on in parentheses. Click on this link to see all your waitlisted classes with CANCEL text links for each.

  • To find out your waitlist position, sign into your account on clients.mindbodyonline.com (not through the website) and go to MY INFO, then MY SCHEDULE. You’ll see waitlists listed in the upper right. Click to see your waitlisted class and position number.

  • We’ll refund your waitlist payment if you don’t get into any before your puppy ages out or it’s determined that Social 1 isn’t the right fit. You are also welcome to apply the credit to Social 2 for puppies who are at least 6 months of age - just ask us!