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socialization + training

+When should I start socializing and training my puppy?

Shortly after bringing your puppy home around 9 weeks of age or as soon as you can!

The biggest impact you’ll ever make on your puppy is before 16 weeks of age, during the imprinting period. This is the time to carefully introduce your puppy to the world and show her that it’s a safe and fun place to live. Learn more on our development stages page.

According to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior/AVSAB, puppy socialization is key, and it’s safe to begin early. Take our Social Puppy classes so your puppy can meet and learn to play appropriately with other healthy puppies in a safe, clean environment. Read AVSAB’s position statement on socialization.

+What training methods and tools do you use?

We carefully choose our methods to ensure they’re safe, fun and effective for long-term training success.

We teach you how to build a mutually rewarding relationship with your puppy through bonding, setting consistent boundaries and reward-based clicker training. We show you how to manage your puppy to prevent unwanted behaviors/habits and clicker train to encourage desirable behaviors/habits. You and your puppy learn through success.

In our Social Puppy classes and Puppy Day Camp sessions, we use WoGo® trainng to help your puppy learn to play and communicate well—and to connect with you when excited or nervous.

All of our techniques and tools are gentle; we never use mental or physical intimidation such as chains, squirt bottles, shaker cans, jerking and physical force. The only punishment we use is a neutral timeout; we never use any positive punishment.

+How do I make sure my puppy doesn’t gain too much weight from eating treats while training?

We recommend that you

  • reduce the size of your puppy's meals by the amount you are treating during training

  • use only natural, healthy treats—we use holistic dog food

classes + such

+What is your COVID-19 Policy

See our covid-19 policy page @

+I'd like to receive waitlist notifications and private session appointment reminders via text. How do I make this happen?

  1. Sign into your account and double check that your mobile phone number is correct.
  2. From your mobile phone, text the word START in all caps to 15037665454.

You should receive a response letting you know that SMS messages have been re-enabled. Get in touch if you have any hiccups.

+What if I have to miss a class?

If your puppy can't come to a class due to illness, injury, or estrus, WP encourages you to come to class without your pup. WP does not offer makeup classes, however, but sends out weekly instructional emails for added support.

*If you know you won't make it to class, please let us know by calling 503.697.7877, or send us an email at!

+Do you allow children in class?

Yes! We love children in our training classes. Our classes are designed to strengthen the bond between dogs and all of their family members. Kids can be great dog trainers, and they are fantastic for puppy socialization. Because it's nearly impossible to focus on dog training while supervising young children in a class environment, we require a second adult to accompany kids under 10.

+What if my class falls on a holiday?

Wonder Puppy is closed on the following holidays; however, sometimes we still offer Social Puppy classes on these days. Check the class signup schedule.

  • Easter (Sunday in April)

  • Memorial Day Weekend (last Saturday, Sunday + Monday of May)

  • Independence Day (July 4)

  • Labor Day (first Monday of September, plus preceding Saturday + Sunday)

  • Thanksgiving Day and day after (last Thursday + Friday of November)

  • Winter break (December 24 – January 1)

+Can adult dogs come to Wonder Puppy?

Yes! While we specialize in puppies and puppyhood, most of our classes are open to dogs of all ages.